• Coaching helps to identify obstacles, change mindsets, set goals, change your outlook, identify core beliefs and thought traps that keep you stuck. Coaching is mainly focused on the present and future.

    Individuals who are a great match for coaching are not currently struggling with any emotional or social problems and are ready to receive guidance and training in order to make changes to achieve their dreams. A coach helps you improve your potential by challenging and helping to define SMART goals.

    Mellonie Baldwin, MA LPC-S

    Mediator, CART, Certified Professional Coach, Parent Facilitator and Coordinator

    “A mentor /coach is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you.”

    – Bob Proctor –

    Mellonie Baldwin—Coach Mel—is a licensed Therapist, and Coach with her own successful practice, Achor Counseling & Associates LLC. She has helped hundreds of clients overcome adversity and attain their desired success. Through her counseling/coaching practice, she continues to help everyone reach their maximum potential.

    Coaching addresses any combination of life and/or professional goals. It is focused on the present and is goal oriented.



    Coaching will help you:

    • Increase efficiency
    • Become familiar with the licensing process and decide if it’s for you
    • Increase confidence
    • Create positive habits
    • Create more happiness
    • Overcome burnout and/or create a self-care plan
    • Create work-life balance
    • Set goals for your professional and personal life
    • Create positive results in your life and business
    • Smash your job interviews
    • Explore employment options
    • Begin your private practice
    • Change or maximize your career goals
    • Gain respect in your field
    • Improve communication skills
    • Go past mental blocks to success

    Who is coaching for:

    • Individuals
    • Work Groups
    • Entrepreneurs
    • Therapists
    • Counselors
    • Social Workers

    What you can expect from business, life or executive coaching:

    • Help to set specific goals
    • Identify roadblocks
    • Bi-weekly accountability
    • Practical solutions
    • Honest feedback

    Experienced guidance

    Coach Mel’s coaching philosophy is three-fold: 1) Encourage; 2) Educate and 3) Empower. Her coaching sessions are designed to heal, transform and restore the whole person, mind, emotions, spirit and body. Through her three-fold process, Coach Mel will help you rekindle hope so you can live your best life. You will eliminate the negative thoughts and behaviors that have prevented you from attaining the success you so eagerly desire. She will educate you on how to exchange toxic relationships for healthy ones. You will be empowered to believe and achieve.

    The Coaching Process

    Coach Mel’s unique approach involves partnering with clients in a creative, inspiring, thought-provoking and idea-generating process that motivates you to achieve your highest personal and professional potential. These coaching services will help you address your greatest challenges, transform your practices, and improve both your leadership skills and your work-life balance. It will help you identify your goals and the potential challenges you may encounter when on your journey to success. Unearth your hidden potential.

    We will devise a plan, set goals, make recommendations and generate accountability tips to ensure you have the knowledge and tools to achieve your goals. Our goal is to increase your individual/business performance and allow you to lead a more fulfilling, well-rounded life.


    Payment for each session will be discussed at the time of your commitment.

    Call the office to discuss fees.

    Ready. Set. Go!

    Get started today by filling out the contact form below for your free 20 minute consultation.

    You are Designed and Destined for Greatness!