• When life hurts and dreams fail, Hope again.
    Ask Coach Mel, the Happiness coach.

    Don't Wait to Get the Help You Need
    We provide in-office counseling and coaching, telehealth counseling and coaching and mediation. Parenting coordination and parenting facilitation, is also available. Our services also include co-parenting coaching and consultation, counselor supervision, business coaching, resource referrals, and training. Call us now 281-781-8444.

    Achor Collective

    Achor Counseling & Associates LLC, Bridges of Achor and Absolutely Radiant) are dedicated to strengthening the lives of individuals and families by enhancing their mental health, spiritual health, physical wellbeing and providing community-based services to help you thrive.

    Mission Statement: Changing lives, strengthening families, building community, and restoring hope through service.

    Extraordinary help for everyday problems.

    It’s our mission to offer a comfortable and safe environment that is respectful, free from judgement, and promotes wellness and healing. A positive turnaround can often be achieved with the help of a Counselor or Life Coach, so we encourage you to read through the services offered on our website and contact us with any questions.

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